The Analysis of Teachers’ Performance as a Proposal to the Development of Professionalism-Based Subject Teacher Community


  • Dameria Sinaga Universitas Kristen Indonesia


This study analyzes teachers' performance as a proposal for developing a professionalism-based subject-teacher community. It was done at Universitas Kristen Indonesia from November 2022 to February 2023. The design of this study is based on qualitative methods using interview techniques. The selected study respondents were based on purposive sampling techniques. Through this technique, the respondent chosen to be interviewed is an excellent principal at a school in Terengganu. This study involves three data collection procedures based on adapting the research framework from the ADDIE Model. The three stages in question are a) the Analysis stage, b) the Design stage, and c) the Evaluation stage. The result of this study is that the professional learning community is a very effective school improvement practice and has a significant role in shaping teachers' personal and collective ability and application. The purpose is to face challenges to improve student achievement and school quality. Then, it is concluded that the development of the professional learning community through empowering the practice of the main functions that are the backbone of the professional learning community.




How to Cite

Sinaga, D. . (2023). The Analysis of Teachers’ Performance as a Proposal to the Development of Professionalism-Based Subject Teacher Community. MIJR: Multidisciplinary International Journal of Research, 1(2), 81–88. Retrieved from


