Comparison of High-Rise Building Structural Performance Using Response Spectrum Method SNI 03-1726-2019 and FEMA-154 Rapid Visual Screening (RVS)
An earthquake is a natural disaster event that occurs suddenly but has significant impacts, making it challenging to predict. The objective of this research is to evaluate the resilience of buildings to seismic hazards using two methods: Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) and the response spectrum method. The RVS method is employed to visually assess the seismic response of buildings, referencing the guidelines of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), while the response spectrum method adheres to the SNI 03-1726-2019 standard. This study focuses on the final score values from the RVS method and various parameters such as period, base shear force, inter-story displacement, story drift, and the coefficient of variation in the response spectrum method. The research findings indicate that the RVS method yields a safe score on Form 1 (S > 2) but experiences a decrease in vulnerability on Form 2 (S=1). Meanwhile, the response spectrum method reveals a building period of 1.809 seconds, seismic base shear forces of 812.096 kg for the X-direction and 840.275 kg for the Y-direction. The maximum inter-story displacement occurs in the X-direction at 0.007501 and the Y-direction at 0.006431, with a coefficient of variation reaching 90.7% for the X-direction and 91.5% for the Y-direction. Inter story drift limit for X-direction 0.0135-0.047 and Y-Direction 0.0129-0.0292. These values are still below the specified limit of 0.08
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