The Impact of Distance and Angle of Installation of Impermeable Groins on the Percentage of Riverbank Erosion in a 45°, 90°, and 135° River Bend


  • Setyadi Universitas Kristen Indonesia


The phenomenon of flow at river bends has a close relationship with changes in river morphology. These changes affect the occurrence of scouring cliffs at river bends. Various efforts have been made to minimize the occurrence of scouring, one of which is the installation of cribs. Krib is a building on a river that has the function of protecting the river bend wall through a speed and direction control mechanism. This research aims to (1) examine how the effect of impermeable crib installation on the percentage of scour and (2) analyze the effect of variations in the angle and distance of impermeable crib installation on reducing scour that occurs in river bends. The study was conducted by testing experimental models in the laboratory based on the open channel flow model with variations in the installation angles of 45°, 90°, and 135° and variations in the distance between the cribs of 5 cm, 10 cm, and 15 cm. From the results of the study, the percentage of scour without krib was 56%. At a distance between the ribs of 5 cm, the percentage of scour at an angle variation of 45°, 90°, and 135° respectively was 21%; 13%; and 5%. At a distance between ribs of 10 cm, the percentage of scour at angle variations of 45°, 90°, and 135° respectively is 33%; 28%; and 17%. Then at the distance between the ribs of 15 cm, the percentage of scour at an angle variation of 45°, 90°, and 135° respectively was 38%; 30%; and 21%. So that it is obtained that the minimum percentage of scour is obtained at the installation angle of 135° and the distance between the cribs is 5 cm while the maximum percentage is obtained at the installation angle of 45° and the distance between the cribs is 15 cm. So, it can be concluded that the angle of the crib installation is inversely proportional to the percentage of scour while the distance between the cribs is directly proportional to the percentage of scour.

KeywordsRiver Bend, Impermeable Krib, Scouring


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How to Cite

Setyadi. (2023). The Impact of Distance and Angle of Installation of Impermeable Groins on the Percentage of Riverbank Erosion in a 45°, 90°, and 135° River Bend. MIJR: Multidisciplinary International Journal of Research, 1(3), 116–126. Retrieved from


